Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just A Word Of Insight...

If you ever wonder why it seems everyone around you is agitated and/or snippy, stop and think. The problem may not be the other people at all, but rather you. If your attitude is negative, this will rub others the wrong way, and the reaction you get may appear to you that everyone else is the problem!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today is my Friday!  Tomorrow, I spend the day spoiling myself.  Spa treatment, getting hair done...AHHHHH!  Saturday, I get my nails done and pack!  Sunday?  I'm off into the blue sea of "I don't care!"  Seven glorious days of no computer, no email, no cell phone!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Some People!

Some people in online games really tick me off!  I mean, I'm minding my own business, trying to complete my quests.  But no...some immature little twit has to camp out at an entrance to the Wasteland and kill everyone who comes out...just because they can?  Really?  I don't like having to quit playing because of some little immature punk...and that is probably what they are...some teen-aged immature little punk who has no gaming ethics whatsoever!  UGH!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What ELSE Could Be Done...

...with the millions of dollars being spent by politicians on their TV ads to smear each other?  I typically stay away from political opinion online (you never know who is reading this).  However, as the news reported this morning how much the Republican candidates were spending on TV ads, I couldn't help but wonder what greater good could be done with that money.  I mean, who watches these ads, anyway?  Most people I know have some sort of DVR, and fast forward through all the commercials.  Not to mention, most of these ads only serve to smear the other candidates..."I believe in X, but they would rather do Y!"  Then, the next ad goes on to say, "Oh yeah?  Well, my competition really believes in Y, they just don't want to admit it!"  REALLY?

A report I saw today said that $12.5 MILLION was spent on ads in Iowa alone!  $12.5 MILLION!!!!  There are people in this country out of work, there are elderly people who cannot afford their pills, and you have people throwing around that kind of money in smear campaigns!  Is it any wonder that when these guys make it to office, they spend money as if there were an endless supply?  I mean, they do it to get into office, what makes anyone think they will not do it after they get there?  What's sad, it appears AGAIN that the one who spends the most money is going to win the election!  Our seated President spent the most money in the 2008 elections.  So far, Romney has spent the most in the Republican primary, and he is in the lead.  This is WRONG!  It seems people are voting for the name they know best, because of the number of times they hear the name on TV in ads and such...NOT on the true qualifications the person has to be in the office.  Not that I can truly endorse anyone in the election at this point, but this craziness needs to stop!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So Close....But So Far!!!

My wonderful get away is less than two weeks away, but as I sit here in my office, it still seems like an eternity!  It has been more than a year since I've been able to just get away...away from all the craziness!  Soon!!!  Please, just don't let my week at sea fly too fast away from me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Not Robert Downey Singing...

...but I saw this video at Alamo Drafthouse while waiting to see "Sherlock Holmes".  The song is by Elton John, and this was the official video for it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ugh!!! Seriously?

Why do I have to start out the new year with a stuffy head? Really? Is my body trying to sabotage my efforts to finish getting into shape before the cruise? UGH!!! It's hard enough to get motivated to go to the gym in the morning, when you weren't up half the night trying to breath!  Even worse...when I did sleep, I had dreams of trying to breath!! I pushed through, though. 19 days and counting to a real vacation that I am so overdue for!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Final Stretch!

Our cruise is now 20 days away. I'm still a couple of pound away from what I would like to be at, and still need to do some toning. Tomorrow, I start a two day cleanse diet...foods for the next two days are prepped and ready. I have a "boot camp" workout I found in Fitness RX today programmed in my iPhone and ready to go. The Friday before we set off, I'm scheduled for a slimming/detox body wrap and hair appointment. I also started a weekly mud facial tonight. I plan on looking awesome for this cruise!!!